Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Questions for PD/Post in comments with your name

If you are participating in the Electronic World Collegial Circle PD, please respond to the following questions by entering and publishing a comment on the blog.  You may also keep the conversation going by replying to other participants' comments!
A copy of the blog posts will be supportive documentation for
the Collegial Circle.

After reading an article/s, please respond to the following questions:

1. What are some of the central ideas discussed in the articles? What issues or ideas do the authors explore? Are they personal, sociological, global, political, economic, spiritual, medical, or scientific?

2. Do the issues affect your life? How so—directly, on a daily basis, or more generally? Now or sometime in the future?

3. What are the implications for the future? Are there long- or short-term consequences to the issues raised in the article? Are they positive or negative...affirming or frightening?

4. What solutions do the authors propose? Are the authors recommendations concrete, sensible, doable? Who would implement those solutions?

After participating in the Collegial Circle, please respond to the following “final outcome” questions.  Your feedback will help in submitting the Final Outcome statement for PD approval.  These are the questions the RCSD requires to approve individual hours:

1. How did your work within this Collegial Learning Circle impact teaching/learning? Include implementation samples; student work samples, lesson plans, observations, peer reviews, etc.

2.Provide evidence that as a result of this professional learning you have improved/enhanced your practice and more effectively addressed student learning.

3. Provide evidence that this experience has had an impact on student learning and achievement has increased.

SOTA Electronic World PD

From Susan Rudy:

Hi Everyone,

We are officially ok to move forward on our PD: Student Learning in an Electronic World.  The PD is for 18 hours.

The readings are below. They are all online. Once the blog is set up you will get an email with the link for the blog. It will be much the same as the first semester if you participated in that. There will be questions to answer about the readings.

We also need to set up a few meetings to discuss these. Is there a day/time after or before school hours that will NOT works for you for a Zoom meeting? Please send me an email with the times and days that will not work for you and I will try to schedule something so we can all touch base.

I am also confirming final due dates for this.

Thanks and let me know if you  have any questions.